Assemble Gift Packages: Christmas Behind Bars needs volunteers to help assemble gift packages for prisoners. We rely on groups to help us with this important task. Would you be willing to help us by organizing a work group? We would come to your area, and we would provide all of the snacks, hygiene items and devotional materials that go into the gift packages. The gift packages and Bibles are delivered free to prisoners across this country all throughout the year, sharing Christ’s love and giving them hope. These gift packages show them we care, and open their hearts to the gospel message we bring them.
Please call us at 260-827-8835 for more information.
Donate Socks for the inmates: Prisons are cold in the winter. Many of the inmates are on their own, and do not have the support of family to help them with their needs. You can help today!
Please send your donations of socks to the address below.
Thinking Of You Cards: We need homemade “Thinking of You” cards for each inmate. This is a continuous need. One lady who was in prison told us that the homemade ‘Thinking of You’ card meant more to her than the whole gift package. One man wrote and said that was the only card he’s received in 11 years… If you would be willing to help, please send your cards to the address below:
Our Shipping Address for Bibles, Supplies, Cards, etc.
Stone Spectrum
c/o Christmas Behind Bars
8585 E. 249 St.
Arcadia, IN 46030
Receiving Hours: Mon-Fri ~ 8-4 pm
Donate Financially: This ministry relies completely on the financial donations
of God’s people. Please click on the tab below to go to our donation page for
more information, and make donations:
Donate Bibles: We are always in need of Bibles for the inmates.
To find out how you can help us with this need, please click on the
tab below to go to our “Donate Bibles” page.